Samantha Otazo

Samantha Otazo

MBK, Notre Dame Preparatory ‘23 “I will be attending University of Maryland in the fall. I will be studying Electrical Engineering and am in the Honors Humanities program. I would like to thank the Knott Scholarship Funds for helping me attend NDP and for the chance...
Sara Morales

Sara Morales

MIHJK, Notre Dame of Maryland University ‘23 “I will be teaching at St. Stephens in the fall which is full circle for me. I went to school in the Archdiocese, and it has always been my dream to go back and teach in a catholic school. My advice is to take every...
Sophie Valkenberg

Sophie Valkenberg

MIHJK, Loyola UMD ‘23 Summa Cum Laude “Next year I will be attending The Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University working towards a master’s in environmental management with a concentration in Ecotoxicology & Environmental Health,...
Spencer Nattans

Spencer Nattans

MIHJK, Loyola UMD ‘23 “Starting in June 2023, I will be working in Charlotte as an Investment Banking Analyst for Wells Fargo in their Financial Institutions Group. I am incredibly grateful for Knott Scholarship Funds and appreciate their impact on my life,...
Stacy Villanueva

Stacy Villanueva

NDP 2019, UMBC 2023, Cum Laude Major in Chemical Engineering, Minor in Modern Languages and Linguistics (Chinese). Working at McCormick. “Our family would like to thank the Knott Scholarship Funds and the Knott family for the support they have given me during my...